Add: Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, Umemura Industrial Park Road 9 Zhang Road
Contact: Yan Yanjun
Tel: +86-510-81819377
Mob: +86-18951513765
Fax: +86-510-88159195
Four roller cold rolling mill introduction We have rich experiences in metal coil cold rolling mill design and manufacture, cold rolling mill is for reducing metal coil plate thickness by cold rolling, therefore, also can be called "thickness reducing mill" or "gauge reducing mill". Different...
Four roller cold rolling mill introduction
We have rich experiences in metal coil cold rolling mill design and manufacture, cold rolling mill is for reducing metal coil plate thickness by cold rolling, therefore, also can be called "thickness reducing mill" or "gauge reducing mill".
Different materials and different states of metal plates require different rolling processes, the cold rolled plate precision level decides the rolling mill configuration, the yearly or monthly production decides the rolling capacity and rolling speed.
We design each cold rolling mill based on precise calculation of rolling process required by each client. Customers trust us because we make the rolling mill exactly as what they want.4-Hi cold rolling mill is very popular for reducing HR, pickled or non pickled, steel coil strip from 3mm to 0.2mm with steel strip width ranging from 300-800mm.
The main composition of a four high rolling mill line:
Uncoiler, entrance processing table, 4-hi cold rolling mill(one head, 2 heads....., 5 heads, 6 heads), exit processing table, recoiler.
Composition of a 4-hi cold rolling mill
Rollers: one pair of work rollers(upper work roller and lower work roller) and one pair of backup rollers(one upper backup roller and one lower backup roller).
Rolling stand: Two stands pair well and are connected oppositely, To process the pair of stands wholly, manually shovel the surface to be flat, with sliding plate at window.
Press-down equipment: mechanically( press-down motor, first grade reducer, second grade reducer, double plane enveloping worm and worm rod) or hydraulic AGC.
Drive mechanism: motor, speed reducing gearbox and distribution gearbox.
Control: DC speed driver, encoder, PLC, tension control.
Typical 4-Hi rolling mill models
1)175-450x450 Reversible four roller 4-Hi cold rolling mill
Raw Material: low carbon steel HR coils, pickled or non pickled.
Input strip: thickness ≤3.0mm, width ≤ 380mm.
Inner diameter and outer diameter of coils: φ508/φ1600mm, max 5T.
Finished coil after rolling:
Finished strip: thickness≥0.5mm, width≤380mm
Description & Parameters of the rolling mill line
Max rolling force: 4000KN, max recoiling tension: 50KN
Max rolling speed: 180m/min
Two recoilers and two coil loading(unloading) cars: |
Rectangular Pyramid coiling mandrel φ508×500mm |
Hydraulic mandrel expansion and hydraulic pusher |
600/1500rpm110KW DC motor + ZQ750 speed reducer |
Constant tension control |
175-450x450 4 roller cold rolling mill |
Rollers |
Work rollers: Φ175×480mm, 9Cr2Mo or 9Cr3Mo, HRC56-58( HS90~92) |
Mechanical Press-down |
press-down or lift-up both ends of upper rollers at the same time, or to press-down or lift-up either end of upper rollers respectively |
Drive system: |
DC motor 355KW, ZLY450 speed reducer, herringbone gearbox and two universal joints |
Lubrication: |
Roller bearings by dry oil, gearbox by thin oil |
Electric control: |
double-bridge four-quadrant weak magnet all-digital DC speed control, |
2) Ø175×550/Ø480×520 4 roller cold rolling machine
Input material: low carbon steel HR pickled coils
Input steel strip: (1.0~3.0)×(250- 450)mm
Inner diameter and outer diameter of steel coils: φ508/φ1600mm, max 6T
Finished coil after rolling:
Finished strip: thickness: (0.3~1.0)×(250-450)mm
Parameters of the 550 cold rolling mill:
Max rolling force: 4000 KN
Rolling speed: max 200 m/min
Recoiling speed: max 200 m/min
Recoiling force: 45 KN
Diameter of recoiling mandrel: max 508 mm , min. 495 mm
Height of rolling mill workline: 950 mm
Total installation power: about 800 KW
3) Ø205×750/Ø650×680 4-Hi cold rolling mill
Input material: low carbon steel HR pickled coils
Input steel strip: 2.0~3.0×500~650 mm
Inner diameter and outer diameter of steel coils: φ508/φ1600mm, max 8T
Finished coil after rolling:
Finished strip: thickness: (0.3~1.0)×(500-650)mm
Parameters of the 750 cold rolling mill:
Max rolling force: 6500 KN
Rolling speed: max 240 m/min
Recoiling speed: max 240 m/min
Recoiling force: 60 KN
Diameter of recoiling mandrel: max 508 mm , min. 495 mm
Height of rolling mill workline: 950 mm
Total installation power: about 1400 KW
1.Where is your factory located?
A: Our factory address is: Meicun Industrial Park, New District, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, China.
2.What is your minimum order quantity, can you send me samples?
A: Our minimum order is 1 set machine, each machine is customerized, thus we don't have sample to send, however, we can send you catalog, warmly welcome you to visit our company.
3.What is the delivery time of your machine?
A: The machine design and production need a production cycle. For small machine, usually 45-60days. For big machine and production line, usually 90days - 120days.