We have rich experience in metal coil cold rolling mill design and manufacture, cold rolling mill is for reducing metal coil plate thickness by cold rolling, therefore, also can be called "thickness reducing mill" or "gauge reducing mill". Different materials and different states of metal plates require different rolling processes, the cold rolled plate precision level decides the rolling mill configuration, the yearly or monthly production decides the rolling capacity and rolling speed. We design each cold rolling mill based on precise calculation of rolling process required by each client. Customers trust us because we make the rolling mill exactly as what they want.
Four roller cold rolling mill introduction We have rich experiences in metal coil cold rolling mill design and manufacture, cold rolling mill is for reducing metal coil plate thickness by cold rolling, therefore, also can be called "thickness reducing mill" or "gauge reducing...Read More
Six roller (6-hi) cold rolling mill introduction 6-Hi rolling mill is especially suitable for high precision rolling at high rolling speed, can give a variety of finished thicknesses, reducing steel coil strip from 3mm to 0.10mm with width ranging from 500 to 1250mm.Different...Read More
H ydraulic AGC cold rolling mill line introduction Either 4-Hi or 6-Hi cold rolling mill, either reversible or tandem cold rolling mill, the hydraulic AGC press-down or press-up system can be available. Hydraulic Automatic Gauge Control is high precision high efficiency...Read More
Tandem continuous cold rolling mill introduction Reversible cold rolling mill can get different finished thickness by to-and-fro multiple rolling process, it is flexible and precise. When steel plants want to produce huge production of cold rolled steel plates, reversible...Read More
More rolling mills introduction We have rich experiences in metal coil cold rolling mill design and manufacture, cold rolling mill is for reducing metal coil plate thickness by cold rolling, therefore, also can be called “thickness reducing mill” or “gauge reducing mill”....Read More
We're professional manufacturers and suppliers specialized in offering cold rolling mill with competitive price. Please rest assured to get top quality cold rolling mill from our factory.